- 3JH2E
- 3JH2-T
- 3JH3E
- 3JH4E
- 4JH-E
- 4JH-TE
- 4JH2-E
- 4JH2-TE
- 4JH2-HTE
- 4JH2-DTE
- 4JH3E
- 4JH4E
Replace the following references :
- 129470-55700
- 129470-55701
- 129470-55702
- 129470-55703
We offer a wide choice of genuine spare parts for diesel engines. Please use the left hand side menu to filter our list of products by product type. In case you don't find the part you need, contact us directly via phone or email and we will be able to help you.
There are 10 products.
- 3JH2E
- 3JH2-T
- 3JH3E
- 3JH4E
- 4JH-E
- 4JH-TE
- 4JH2-E
- 4JH2-TE
- 4JH2-HTE
- 4JH2-DTE
- 4JH3E
- 4JH4E
Replace the following references :
- 129470-55700
- 129470-55701
- 129470-55702
- 129470-55703
- 3JH5-E
- 4JH4-AE
- 4JH5-E
- 4LH
- 4LHA
- 6LY
- 6LYA
- 8LV
Oil Filter genuine ref. 129150-35170 (replaces the ref. 129150-35150; 129150-35151; 129150-35151-12; 129150-35153; 129150-35160).
Engines Yanmar 4JH-E; 4JH-TE; 4JH-DTE; 4JH-HTE; 4JH2-E; 4JH2-TE; 4JH2-DTE; 4JH2-HTE; 4JH2-UTE(B); 4JH3-E; 4JH3-TE; 4JH3-DTE; 4JH3-HTE; 4JH3-E(YEU); 4JH4-E; 4JH4-TE; 4JH4-THE; 4JH4AE; 4JH45; 4JH57; 4JH80; 4JH110; D27AX; D27AY; D36AX; D36AY.
- 4LH-TE
- 4JH45
- 4JH57
- 4JH80
- 4JH110
- 3JH40
Replaces 129670-42531
Replaces 128670-42532
Kit Contains:-
Cover Plate O-Ring
Cover Plate Screws
Tube of Grease
- 4JH3-TE
- 4JH3-DTE
- 4JH4-TE
- 4JH4-HTE
- 4JH4-HTE1
- 4JH2-UTE
- 3JH.
- 4JH.
- 4LH.
- 6LY.
Yanmar basic service kit fits the following models:
Contains the following parts:
129150-35170 - Filter
129470-42532 - Impeller
129574-55711 - Fuel Filter
24341-000600 - O-Ring
Compatible Models: 4JH.