149-1138 EMS Display Caterpillar

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Genuine control screen ref. 1491138 from manufacteur Caterpillar.

9 other products in the same category:

Availability: Out of stock

Cat® CMD5 (5” display)

This refers to the 5” display (Gen 1) which utilizes four buttons on each side for navigation. This is capable of displaying up to two engines per display and can be installed anywhere on the vessel (i.e. bridge, wing stations, fly bridge, etc.) and connected with J1939.

Mini MPD Display Caterpillar

Availability: Out of stock

The Cat® Mini MPD is a self-contained engine monitoring and display system that provides trouble-free operation, using engine and transmission information that is easy to read and understand, delivered in a compact package. The Mini MPD is functionally identical to the current MPD and is 55 percent smaller in overall size. The custom screen option allows up to three different operators to configure a total of 15 different screen formats to suit their individual preferences. Display brightness is fully adjustable to cover all operating conditions, from night to full sun. 

Availability: Out of stock

Cat® CMD8 (8” display)

This refers to the 13” touchscreen display. This is capable of displaying up to two engines per display and can be installed anywhere on the vessel (i.e. bridge, wing stations, fly bridge, etc.) and connected with J1939. This display also supports Modbus TCP/IP.

Messenger Display Caterpillar

Availability: Out of stock

Messenger is an electronic monitoring system with real-time, visual feedback on engine operating conditions. The Messenger display system is designed for use with electronically controlled Caterpillar marine propulsion engines that have J1939 data link support. Messenger’s purpose is to display current engine and transmission data, trip data, historical data, and diagnostic information. It may also interface with vessel global positioning systems to display vessel position and speed. The Messenger system displays all of the available information on a graphical LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The Messenger display uses transflective LCD technology along with the existing SAE J1939 data link to provide real-time performance and operating information.

One display neded per engine

Availability: Out of stock

Cover for Marine Power Display.

The Marine Power Display is a monitoring system for all electronically controlled Caterpillar® marine engines. The Marine Power Display provides current engine and transmission operating data. The screens can be customized to display different engine parameters using different sizes and types of gauges. One Marine Power Display is required for each engine up to a maximum of eight.

MPD Display Caterpillar

Availability: Out of stock

The Marine Power Display is a monitoring system for all electronically controlled Caterpillar® marine engines. The Marine Power Display provides current engine and transmission operating data. The screens can be customized to display different engine parameters using different sizes and types of gauges. One Marine Power Display is required for each engine up to a maximum of eight.

Availability: Out of stock

Cat® CMD8 (8” display)

This refers to the 8” touchscreen display. This is capable of displaying up to two engines per display and can be installed anywhere on the vessel (i.e. bridge, wing stations, fly bridge, etc.) and connected with J1939. This display also supports Modbus TCP/IP.