Filtre à carburant pour moteur In-Bord Diesel d'origine Volvo Penta AD.-D.-HS.-KAD.-KAMD.-TAMD.-TMD.
Replace 860874 Reliable and high-quality 21624740 for best results.
Kit contains part numbers:
21718912 Fuel Filter
22030848 Oil Filter
22030852 Oil Filter
3593573 Impeller
21702999 Air Filter
3584145 Crank Case Breather
Check the compatibility in the "Description" Tab Reliable and high-quality 21704967 for best results.
Kit contains part numbers:
21718912 Fuel Filter
22030848 Oil Filter
22030852 Oil Filter
3588475 Impeller
21702999 Air Filter
3584145 Crank Case Breather
Check the compatibility in the "Description" Tab Reliable and high-quality 21704968 for best results.